We are a team of Americans and Canadians united to support refugees living with dignity, whether in camps or in third countries. Recognizing that refugees possess valuable skills across various fields, our goal is to sponsor and support projects that aim to provide refugees with job opportunities locally or internationally
We are individuals from various countries who have come together after witnessing the plight of refugees. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to assist these refugees
1. Offer training courses to refugees that help facilitate their employment opportunities.
2. Fund small training and business centers aimed at providing refugees with job skills or entrepreneurial opportunities.
3. Assist in finding international jobs for refugees and support their visa application processes.
4. Welcome and help refugees integrate successfully in their third country.
Challenges Faced by Refugees in Uganda
Refugees in Uganda come equipped with valuable skills, diplomas, and extensive experience acquired before seeking asylum. Unfortunately, despite these qualifications, many struggle to secure employment. This is primarily due to the need to adapt their knowledge to the specific requirements of new job markets, such as in Canada, where they might relocate.
Education and qualifications obtained abroad are often not immediately recognized. Refugees may need to undergo additional training or certification to bridge this gap. REST provides the necessary resources and support to help refugees update their skills and education, ensuring a smoother transition into professional roles.
Additionally, many casual jobs require physical strength rather than formal experience. These roles offer immediate employment opportunities for refugees, allowing them to integrate into the workforce swiftly. REST recognizes the potential in these positions and supports refugees in accessing them, providing the tools and training needed for success.
REST’s Commitment
REST stands firm in our commitment to elevate the potential of refugees to contribute to their host communities. By offering targeted training courses, funding business initiatives, and assisting with international job placements, we pave the way for refugees to work in professions matching their skills.
Furthermore, by coordinating with potential employers and facilitating visa applications, REST ensures each refugee has access to meaningful employment, ultimately aiding in rebuilding their lives with dignity.